Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summer Has Come and Gone

Do you hear that?

The rumble of cars can be heard as they drive up to a large brick building. Doors open and out step children, dressed for the day with backpacks on their shoulders and sneakers on their feet.

"Goodbye Mommy!"

"Goodbye Daddy!"

"Bye mom."

"Bye dad."

"See ya later."


The children bid their guardians goodbye as they take those first steps of the school year. You know, the ones that lead them to the glass double doors. Their minds are filled with thoughts, so many in fact that they think they might just spill out their ears and run like sparkling ink down their arms and legs until meeting the concrete.

Just what awaits them on the other side of those doors?

There'll be teachers for sure, students, lockers, and noise. There'll be bells and intercoms. There'll be rules and regulations. There'll be homework. of the most dreaded things about school. Peers...that's another.

"Who will I be this year?"

"Am I still cool?"

"What if I'm an outcast?"

"I can't commit social suicide."

"Right choices. Right choices. Right choices."

"Have to hit the books...who cares what those jocks think?"

"What if I don't make Quarterback?"

"What if I get kicked off the Cheer Squad?"

Doors are pushed open and students tumble inside. It's the first day of school and the halls are filled with busy body's. Chatter has already resumed between friends as they talk about their summer adventures. Teachers unlock doors and lay out their lessons. Yes, indeed, it is the first day of school.

Summer has ended.

The yearly time for sunshine and games is over. It has been replaced with brick walls and notebooks.

My summer has come to an end, and I am sorry that I haven't posted at all over it. So many wonderful things took place over my summer vacation. I got to experience things and meet people that I wouldn't have if I hadn't had the opportunity to spend my summer working in a school. 

The children I worked with over the summer opened my eyes, once again, to the vision (which is what I call the world in which writers dwell). I had been feeling disconnected from that world and had experienced writers block on more than one occasion, yet the children I meet helped stop that.

The amazing thing about children is that they are pure imagination. One could say they are even imagination incarnated. There is nothing like a child's imagination. The things they can dream up are marvelous.

I was truly blessed this summer and I cannot say that I regret anything that took place. Sure there were a few down points, what with all my friends being in different cities/towns/states than I, but all in all it was decent.

Since I've returned to college, I've been re-reading over my old blog posts and I've noticed a trend developing. It seems this blog has become mostly about English and literature. Right now my plan is to continue this trend. I plan on giving you book reviews, thoughts on life, quotes from my English classes, and even short stories/poetry from time to time. Basically, this is an English haven. Mostly everything posted here will relate to my major (English), literature, and language. I say mostly because I may throw in an odd post every once in a while about other things. You never know with me. I write what's on my mind and if something weighs heavy enough on my heart and mind you'll hear about it.

I do hope all of your summers were wonderful and that this upcoming fall only offers more opportunities for joy. Open your minds and hearts and you may just be surprised by what comes with the autumn leaves.