Saturday, March 22, 2014

Perfect Little Lines

Perfect Little Lines
Dedicated to a little sister who's been going through a lot lately. 

Perfect little lines,
As straight as can be,
Decorating her skin
For eternity.

Faded from years,
But their red is still clear.
Her eyes can still see
What her heart use to feel.

Covered by bracelets,
Those lines use to be,
Yet now they are displayed
For all to see.

The battle was fought,
The battle was won,
And her badge of courage
Shows that it’s done.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Marred Innocence and Other Poems

Lately, the dreaded illness of writer's block has prevented me from working on any of my ongoing chapter stories. In an attempt to cure myself, I've been working one some other, smaller projects. My energy has been turned from those larger works to practicing my skills on short stories and poetry. Thus far, I've written two short stories and three poems. Well, three poems that I will be sharing with you. I've written two others, but I am not at all pleased with them. That's how writing goes sometimes. You write, and write, and write, and some times you end up with the most glorious diamond...yet other times you end up with a piece of writing that you just know isn't going to go anywhere. 

What I have for you this fine night are the three poems I've written lately. I may eventually post the short stories as well. But, for the moment, just enjoy these little writings. They aren't the best I've ever written, but they're my opinion. 

Marred Innocence

Such a beautiful sight,
An empty page.

White, clean, perfect,
It’s all innocence.

Then along comes an artist,
Pen in hand.

With ink and paint,
They steal the innocent land.

Such a dreadful sight,
The marred page.

Lines, letters, curves,
Gone is its essence.  

Yet what remains,
Shows only truth.

With words and sketches,
The artist speaks to the youth.


Tastes like freshly brewed coffee.
Smells like moist earth.
Sounds like vinyl records.
Feels like ground charcoal.
Looks like an endless starry sky.


Tastes like Lemonade on a hot afternoon.
Smells like a field of blooming tulips.
Sounds like a choir of canaries.
Feels like the sun’s warm rays.
Looks like summer.