Sunday, April 20, 2014

Life from a Death

It's Easter morning and I haven't slept a wink all night. My thoughts were too alive and I kept thinking about how wonderful it would be to see the sunrise. There's something magical about watching the sunrise on Easter Sunday. Maybe it's the symbolism...maybe it's the way the early morning rays kiss the earth. Either way, it's something glorious to behold.

When I was little my family would go to sunrise services. We'd get dressed up in pretty dresses and suits, pile into our two cars, and head for the lake where that year's sunrise service was to be held at. I have fond memories of those services.

I can remember that I always got cold. I'd stand there, under some park awning or near the waters, in a circle with all the rest of the congregation. My knees would be shaking and my arms would have goose bumps, and I'd watch the sunrise as the pastor reminded us of the importance of Easter...of what it was that took place on that day so many years before.

It's been too long since I've been to a sunrise service.

Last night I couldn't' sleep, but it wasn't because I was reading an enthralling story or watching movies, but because as I laid there -staring out at the city lights in the darkness of the night -I realized that I longed for a sunrise.

I got to thinking about Easter and about Good Friday, I got to thinking about how it's been so long since I last read the Easter story, and I was overcome with the need to experience a sunrise service. Sadly, I didn't know where one was being held, so I made do. I didn't get to gather with a congregation of humans, but I had my own personal service with nature's congregation.

A bit before seven, I threw on some day clothes, grabbed a hoodie, and left my dorm building. The sun wasn't quite up yet but I couldn't wait any longer. I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve night, eagerly waiting for their gifts. I just had to feel that sunrise.

There's a trail that runs by my university, part of it's blocked off right now but I walked some of it anyway. The world was so still. The air chilly. It had an aroma of fresh rain; of rebirth and renewal.

I was almost lead to an early grave by a pair of ducks on my way to the trail and, after that, birds were everywhere. The world may have been still but nature was buzzing.

I kid you not. Blue-jays, Cardinals, sparrows, ravens, and robins were scattered about the trail and lurking in the blooming branches of the trees. There were squirrels running all around and worms wiggling their way across the black trail top. Even the stream that runs along the trail was bubbling with life. It was as if nature herself was praising God on this Easter Sunday.

Even as I sat atop slightly damp grass after walking the trail -writing in my journal as I took in the world -nature did not stop singing. The birds were everywhere, and they were loud. It was glorious.

So long ago, a man -a god (thee God) -sacrificed Himself so that we could all have eternal life. So that we wouldn't have to spend our eternity in the absence of His presence. Think about that. Not only did Christ die for us, but He died so that He and us wouldn't be separated. He died because He didn't wand to live without us; because He wants us to be able to spend eternity with Him.

Romans 5: 6-8 says:
 "For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man, though perhaps for a good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." 
Christ died for us. Christ died for us. Christ died for us. Christ died for us. Do you get that? Do you feel that? How humbling is it to think that the Almighty God came to earth, placed himself in the form of a human, and died so that we may know eternal life. God -a deity (Thee all powerful deity. The one who knows it all. The one who spoke and the universe came into existence) -sacrificed himself so that we might live.

I don't know about you, but that makes me rejoice. Because of Him, my soul doesn't have to be condemned. Praise God for what he's done. He is truly a loving and caring God.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Tupperware Party

You’ve been invited to a Tupperware party

A Tupperware party?

My mom used to get invited to Tupperware parties.

I would always sit there bored, thinking about how stupid they were.

I didn’t understand why dishes could be so fascinating.

I didn’t understand why ladies would throw Tupperware parties;

Why to be a lady one had to sit and look at dishes.

I’m twenty-two now,

And I was just invited to a Tupperware party.

A Tupperware party?

Am I really old enough to be invited to a Tupperware party?

Am I really at that point where I can no longer sit on the side line;

Sit on the side line thinking about how stupid talking about dishes is?

I don’t know what’s worse.

That I was just invited to a Tupperware party,

Or that I actually kind of want to go.