Sunday, February 22, 2015

25 Important things My Mother Taught Me

Mother's are important, there is no doubt about it. They're there for our first cries, our first laughs, our first words, and our first heartbreaks. They are the ones to wipe away our tear streaked mascara and they always support us. A mother's love is unconditional and her words are wisdom.

My mother has taught me so many things over the years. She is someone I will always respect and look up to. I feel guilty when I hold something back from her. I have to tell her everything. I'm not capable of not telling her everything. Especially when she has this sixth sense of knowing when something's wrong. I love her for that. And for many more reasons.

Over the years, though, I've learned much from my mother. She's taught me everything from the basics to the complex. She's taught me how to talk and walk, and how to pray. She's a warrior.

There's a little trend in my family -well, among my siblings -where we like to give people we're close to superhero and Greek god names. We try to match people up to who they're most like. My brother's Green Arrow/Apollo and my youngest sister is Flash/Hermes. We each have a superhero and Greek god name, but giving our parents names have always been the hardest. It seems like there is no super hero or Greek god out there good enough for them to have the names of. However, we did eventually settle on a superhero name for our mother.

Our mother is...Wonder Woman. Why? Because she's a strong, confident woman who stands up for what she believes in and protects those around her. She's our hero.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to a retreat with my Mother, sister, and a good friend. While there we learned a lot and had a blast. And I got to see my mother at her peak. She out partied my sister and I. She out partied a 23 and 19 year old. Now, when I say party I don't mean drinking party. This was a Christian retreat with no alcohol. But, dang, my mother stayed up so late that my sister and I feel asleep waiting for her. She was a hyperactive social butterfly this weekend. The embodiment of everything she's ever taught my siblings and I...with the exception of when she went to find my hair tie and only 'Kind of looked for it,' When I was a kid, if we 'kind of looked' for anything we would get a lecture on how you actually move things when you're looking for something, not just glance at places. We gave her a bit of a hard time about this, but she took it well and joked along with us.

Like I said, she was the embodiment of everything she ever taught us this weekend and that got me to thinking. I laid awake last night thinking about all the things she had taught my siblings and I and I made a list of 25 of them. There soooooo many more things she's taught us, but these are among the most important.

1. Never lend someone something you expect to get back. If you give someone money to help out, it's a gift, not a loan.

2. Always take time to stop and pray with a person instead of just saying that you'll pray for them.

3. A lady always has tea in the house (whether she likes it or not).

4. It doesn't matter how busy you are, if someone calls or drops by to chat you make sure to talk to them.

5. A woman always supports her man.

6. When visiting someone you always offer to help clean up after the meal.

7. Cookies. If you don't have time for a complex dessert, cake mix cookies are always a favorite go to. It takes 15 minutes and guests will love them. 

8. If you do something, no mater what it is, alwasy give it your all. 

9. The french Braid. It's like a rite of passage.

10. A lady should know how to properly set a table. 

11. If your gut tells you something is wrong, then more than likely it is. 

12. There's no need to pay someone to clean your carpets. A capable woman will roll up her sleeves and do it herself to save a few bucks. 

13. It's okay to treat yourself every once in a while...

14...but family ALWAYS comes first. 

15. If a sister has fallen you don't kick her and run. You kneel and help her up, no matter how much you may dislike her. 

16. Please and thank you are critical words.

17. Make up is not important. Inner beauty matters more...

18...but a lady should know how to properly apply makeup. You're not a clown, dear. 

19. Be kind, but sassy. Don't let people walk over you.

20. Be well read.

21. Traditions are important.

22. Be a pioneer woman. Know how to sew, cook, garden, host, and pray. 

23. Love everyone. Even your enemies. 

24.The best accessory is a smile. 

25. Always be yourself. You're not a reflection, you're the original. 

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