Thursday, March 12, 2015

Every Triangle has a Point...So I Guess this Post is a Circle.

It's 10:40 at night when I'm writing this, though it'll probably be a much different time when it's published, and I don't really know how I feel tonight. So, more than likely you're just going to get some of my rambling. Okay, yeah, you are. There's no real point behind this post. I just really felt like writing.

There's a group of people playing sand vollyball right outside my dorm window and I've spent the better part of this night watching them, because, you know, I have almost zero athletic capabilities. Plus, I learned back in high school that vollyball wasn't my sport. I'm more of a yoga doing runner, who's being forced to learn karate to meet her PE requirement for graduation. I'd sooner learn to swim then play vollyball...and I have a rational fear of water. Retract that. I have a rational fear of drowning. I have nothing against water itself. In fact, water and I are best buds. I quite enjoy showers,  a cool glass of water on a hot day, and a hot glass of water to make hot chocolate or coffee out of on a cold day. However, I've never quite gotten over almost drowning as a child. So there's that. Yet, even though I don't play vollyball I still enjoy watching. The same goes for basketball. Not so much football, unless I'm actually at the field. Football on TV is boring...any sport on TV is boring. I like the excitement of actually being there when it's being played. 

Watching those people play vollyball, though, makes me long for summer. I could really go for a bonfire or fish fry right now. It's been so gorgeous here lately that all I've wanted to do is find a lake with a rickety dock to sit on while I write and sip at a tall glass of supper sweetened ice tea. 

Can you tell that I'm really ready for break? I seriously need one. Thank heaven spring break starts tomorrow. Though, I don't actually get to go home until Sunday because my car decided to give up on life again in the Walmart parking lot. That seems to be it's go to place to die. It really does handle stress a lot worse than I do (Which is saying something because I'm not exactly the best person when it comes to dealing with stress. There's a reason I journal so much.). I wish it'd put on it's big girl panties and just suck it up. I can't slow down to take even a day off. Why should it be able to throw a temper tantrum like a two-year-old? Lame. It's just lame. 

On a side note, going back to our previous topic of sports, I had a karate midterm today. I didn't exactly do terrible. In fact, I found the written part to be extremely easy and the blocks, kicks, punches, stances, and self defense sets were kata though....yeah...

You see, I've spent the last week working my butt off to get that kata down. I looked it up online, found a diagram of the steps taken in it, made sure my stances were correct, that I was punching correctly, that my turns were correct, and that I was turning in the right direction. I was doing so well, too, on the midterm today...until I looked away from my fist and caught sight of the teacher. I may have also saw a certain guy -who shall remain nameless but has made his way onto my 'threat' list...that is a list of people I find to be threats. Not a list of people I intend on threatening -and I choked. I don't really know how it happened but my mind went blank. Half way through the kata and I forgot everything. 

I was so lost that I ended up literally throwing my hands in the air and saying to the professor, "I give up. I'm lost." And he just nodded at me like he had expected it. Anyway, I'm really hoping that didn't effect my score too badly. I had everything else down. I had that down too, until I actually had to do it in front of him and the class. 

Well, I don't really know what else to tell you, and I kind of want to read some more of Will Grayson, Will Grayson before I hit the hay. So I guess I'll let you go for the night, so I can go read instead of sleeping, which is what I should be doing because I have a 9 o'clock sociology class that I have to go to. I'll go to it no matter how tired I am. Because A) I need to go. Notes are important in that class. And B) I actually like the class. 

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