Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Power of Prayer

If there is one thing I'm sure of, out of everything I've learned in my life, it's that prayer is the most powerful weapon of them all.There is nothing more more powerful than prayer, except the One who answers the prayers. He has more power than anything in or out of this world.

Lately I've been doing a lot of praying. Not only for myself but for those around me. It appears that satan (No, I shan't give him the honor of a capitalized 's') is on the prowl. He's after many people at this time. I won't tell you specifics about what's going on with my friends, for those prayer requests (and there are a decent amount of them) are unspoken, but my personal prayer request is for guidance. Guidance in decisions dealing with my academic life.

If you, who ever reads this, could lift up a prayer that'd be great. I'm not even concerned with my own prayer request at this moment. Alright? What I really want you to do is to lift up the hurting in your prayers. Could you that? Please?

On the topic of the power of prayer, I've had a song stuck in my head tonight that talks about prayer. It's called Get On Your Knees And Fight Like A Man, by the band Petra. It's a song I've grown up listening to, having the freakishly cool parents that I do, and one that's always seemed to come to my mind when prayer is especially needed.

I'm going to put in this post a link to a YouTube video of the song, as well as type out the lyrics for you. Listening to the song is great, but sometimes we don't grasp the full meaning of a song's lyrics until we see them before us...which is why I'm giving you both the video and the lyrics.


Lyrics: (Note, these lyrics belong to Petra, and Petra only. I'm just typing them out for you.

Out on your own with your own self reliance
You've got no one to watch your back
You find yourself caught with no strong alliance
You've been left open for attack

Over your head the condition is graver
You've given ground you can't retrieve
The cards are stacked and they're not in your favor
But you've got an ace up your sleeve

Get on your knees and fight like a man
You'll pull down strongholds if you just believe you can
Your enemy will tuck his tail and flee
Get on your knees and fight like a man

Under the gun, you've got no place to hide out
Backed in the corner on your own
This is one storm you are destined to ride out
One way to leave the danger zone

Get on your knees and fight like a man
You'll pull down strongholds if you just believe you can
Your enemy will tuck his tail and flee
Get on your knees and fight like a man

You've got the backbone to fight this tide
You've got the will to survive
You've got the weapon, it's at your side
You've got to learn to confide

Get on your knees
Fight like a man

Get on your knees and fight like a man
You'll pull down strongholds if you just believe you can
Your enemy will tuck his tail and flee
Get on your knees and fight like a man

Well, that's all for today readers. I'll be praying for all of you and please do so for the people of this world.

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