Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This Blank Page

This blank page,
Oh how it mocks me.
"Ha ha ha, he he he,
You can't write on me."

So many images in my head,
Yet I can't make sense of them,
This goes here, that goes there,
This one doesn't fit anywhere.

Placed in a cage,
the page has captured me.
"Ha ha ha, he he he,
They'll be no escaping me."

So many emotions swirling within.
Why can't I make sense of them?
Write it like this, write it like that,
No that doesn't work so try again.

Dear blank page,
Your beauty has captured me.
Ha ha ha, he he he,
But you have no power over me.

So many ideas I have to write down,
You shan't stop me from writing them.
Pen markings here, pencil ones there,
Scratchpads and notebooks full.

This is not a cage,
No it has freed me,
Ha ha ha, he he he,
a blank page is a clean slate for me.  

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