Sunday, December 2, 2012


This week has been an interesting one for me. It had its ups, it had its downs, and it had those days where I didn't want to do anything but write. Yet, even though life did prevent me from writing as much as I wished I could, I still did write. It's one of the writings I wrote this week that I am giving you in this post. Isn't very long, but it is something I liked once I finished it...which has become somewhat of a rarity lately.

The following is a prologue that I wrote this week for a story a friend and I are working on together. We haven't put any of the chapters for it up on our DeviantArt accounts yet (Mine -> His -> ), but we will sometime in the future. We really need to nail down a title and see how our plot's going before we post any of them. However, what I'm giving you is a peek at what we're working on. 

So, here's my first contribution to our untitled story. I hope you enjoy it :) 


It was late fall of 2012 when it all happened. I was a college junior at the time, on my way to receiving some sort of English degree. One break had just ended and I was already counting down the days until the next one. Piles upon piles of papers were due, one presentation after another had to be done, and I was growing tired of answering the question, "What are the major themes of this story and why are they important?" Yes, it was late fall, with chilled air nipping at my nose and seeping through my converse shoes, and it was on a day I was questioning why I ever chose to major in English that it all happened. 

One doesn't ever expect such things to occur to them. It's not even a thought most people entertain. So, imagine my shock when it happened to me. Something that only happened in ghost tales taking place in my own life. 

I'm sorry. By this point you must be somewhat confused. You are, no doubt, wondering what I am talking about. "Just what happened to you," you must be saying. The impossible, the improbable, the unthinkable, that's what happened. 

It was a day in the late fall, when I wanted to get out of the cold and into the comforting heat of the library, that it happened. It was when I wished to gather the resources I needed and then head back to my dorm for a hot shower. It was when I came face to face with a real, live ghost. Well, not a live ghost, for ghosts aren't actually alive. That's sort of what makes them a ghost, but it was a ghost all the same. Little did I know that a creature of fairy tale could have such a real impact on my life.

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