Sunday, November 25, 2012

An Almost Not Done Blog Update

It's almost 9:30 on Sunday night and I'm still not completely sure what will all be in this blog. To be honest, I debated on not blogging this week, but then I decided against it. I figured I could come up with something for those of you reading this.

I guess, for this post, I will merely give you a list of the highlights of my week. I was on Thanksgiving break from the 20th to the 25th, and it has been the best break I have had since starting college. Why is this, you may ask. Simply because my family wasn't rushing about. The only thing on our agendas was to spend time together. It was great. Without blabbing on more, here's some of the events that took place of my break:

1. I got to see my grandma again, who I haven't seen in person since the end of July.

2. I helped my family decorate for Christmas.

3. I was granted some much needed sibling time and was able to talk to each of them individually. This was a main highlight.

4. I baked a lot with my mom.

5. I had interesting conversations with each of my family members.

6. I listened to a small child tell me the Christmas story as we put up a nativity scene at our church.

That last one is something I wish to expand upon in a later blog post. If I remember, I shall write up a story based upon it and share it with you. For now, I'm tired from being in a car all day and wish to enter dream land. Therefore, this is all you get tonight. I shall write again soon though :)

Have a blessed night!

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