Sunday, August 11, 2013

Interview With A Writer

Note: Before we get started with this 'interview' you should know that I didn't write the questions. I actually found this interview on It was a survey that was going through artists' journals. The answers to the questions, however, are mine and are true.

1.   What’s your favorite genre of writing?

I don’t really have a favorite. Most of my stories have either a fantasy, science-fiction, or reality edge to them, but I like to blend genres. Reality, sci-fi, and fantasy are the three main genre’s I write and they crossover a lot. 

2. How often do you get writer’s block?

Too often. I have the tendency to start a story with passion, think through all the possibilities for it, and then sit down and completely forget what it was I was going to write.

3. How do you fix it?

I go on a writing fast or force myself to write. I’ve learned that sometimes it helps if I just don’t write for awhile. Forgetting about the story, going on with life, and then coming back to it a few days later can allows me to see the story from a new perspective and I'm then able to create new ideas.

There are times, though, when the only way to brake the dreaded curse of writer’s block is to simply write. Someone, I’m not sure who but I’ve read it online before, said that writing is like a faucet and water won’t come out until the faucet is turned on. Meaning, sometimes we need to just grab a pen and notebook and start writing. We don’t need a plot, or a goal, we just need to let the ink flow from our pen and see where the words take us.

4. Do you type or write by hand?

Both. I think handwriting is an art, in and of itself. Often times, I’ll write something in a notebook and then transfer it to my computer at a later date. Notebooks are more convent to carry around than a laptop anyway. I can literally take a note book anywhere without causing a disturbance, but a laptop can be distracting.
5. Do you save everything you write?

No. I save most of what I write, but there have been things that I completely hated and tossed out.
6. Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?

Yes. Like I said for number 3, it sometimes helps a story if the author stays away from it for a while. Right now I have a story on hiatus. I intend on eventually finishing it, but I’m taking an extended break from working on it, due to some glitches I noticed in it and myself needing to restructure a few things within its words.

7. Do you have a constructive critic?

Yes. I don’t have an official beta or anything, but I have a couple honest friends. My sister and a couple friends aren’t afraid of telling me what they think of my writings and I will often run ideas by them. There’s even been times when I’ve had writer’s block, passed them my laptop/notebook, and asked them to read it and tell me what they thought about the story itself.

8. Did you ever write a novel?

…maybe…yes…but it’s my baby and it won’t be seen unless it is ever published. It’s a genre blending story. I mixed historical, science-fiction, and fantasy in it. The characters are some of my favorite and the plot line is…well…I can’t tell you about the plot line. Sorry. Like I said, the story’s my baby. It took me three years to write and only two people have read it…neither of them have read the official finished version. They’ve only read the first drafts.

What genre would you love to write but haven’t?

Tragic Realism.
10. What’s one genre you have never written, and probably never will?

Humor. I like angst, hurt/comfort, and the darker emotions. Humor isn’t really my thing. I don’t really like reading humor stories either. There is one type of humor I like, it’s satire. I applaud those who write satire, and have quite a few satire books on my shelves, but I myself will never be attempting that genre...unless the satire comes through in the tragic realism story I end up writing.
11. How many writing projects are you working on right now?

Um…let’s see…. three. Two long works and one that's a spin-off of one of the others. The spin-off's quite a bit shorter than the other two...It's actually a collection of one-shots (single chapter stories) based on the relationship between two of the characters in one of my other projects. All three of them are being posted on my Deviant Art account. 

If you really want to check them out, here are the links: 

The one-shot project (still unnamed): and  (These are the two one-shots that I have posted so far) 

12. Do you write for a living? Do you want to?

I wish. I’m not being paid for it currently, but hopefully one day I will be.

13. Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?

Yes. There was a writing contest in my hometown and the story I entered in it was published in the newspaper. That counts, right?

14. Have you ever won an award for your writing?

See the above answer.

15. What are your five favorite words?

Psychotic- Suffering from psychosis

Annihilate- To destroy.  To obliterate.

Gypsy- A traveling people.

Fission- The act of splitting something into two or more parts.  

Anthem- A rousing or uplifting song that is identified with a group of people.

16. Do you ever write based on your dreams?

I use to, but lately my dreams have been either nonsensical or about nothing I wish to write about.

17. Do you favor happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers?

Most of the time my stories have happy endings, but I like sad endings and a lot of my one-shots don’t end happily. Also, cliff-hangers are good...especially when only giving readers a chapter or two of a story at a time. It keeps them in suspense.  

18. Have you ever written based on an artwork you’ve seen?

Yes. It was a technique my high school English teacher used to get us interested in writing.

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