Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Late Night Ramble

It's eleven at night where I'm at, and I don't really have much to talk about, but I told myself that I would try to update more regularly. So, I apologize in advance if I ramble or this post makes little to no sense.. 

Have you ever had a day that felt like it took ages to end? That's been today for me. It's a Wednesday, and it absolutely felt like a Wednesday. I told myself last night that I would be productive today, that I would get everything on my immediate to-do-list done. I started by going to bed early and making myself get out of bad long before I really needed to. 

I have to admit, I did get everything on my to-do list done, but that was the problem. I had a whole bunch of stuff to do, some of which I had been putting off for awhile, and it got done in a fraction of the time it should have. Both my roommate and I experienced this. 

Time was going by so slowly that, by noon, we had almost everything done. So, we took an hour and went out for lunch and Starbucks. Then I wasted an hour waiting for work and ended up having to waste time at work because I finished everything on my list there before my clock-out time (it didn't help that one of the things I had to do couldn't be done until the very end of my I had to literally waste and hour and a half between finishing everything else and that thing). 

Then, after work and classes, and lunch, and all that good stuff...I realized that I had nothing else to do. So my roommate and I cleaned our dorm room. And I'm talking about deep cleaned. The only thing we didn't do is vacuum and that's because I have to get a new belt for the faulty contraption. 

So, yeah, that's how my day's been; super productive, but still insanely long. Now it's a bit past eleven and I've completely ran out of things to do. Any normal person would think, "Bed, sleep sounds nice," but I swear I'm nocturnal. By the time it hits ten at night I'm wide awake. Can't sleep. Sometimes I have to write until I'm mentally exhausted in order to sleep, because -no shocker here, most likely -my brain won't shut off at night. It seems to think the dark hours are the perfect time to think about every little thing. Which is kind of why I'm writing to you now instead of laying in bed, staring up at the boring ceiling of my dorm room. This post may have no real point to it, but it keeps me occupied. 

Anywho, this day's been long and I hope tomorrow goes by quicker. I just want the weekend. Got something fun planned. Going to go shopping with a couple friends, and to get some iHop. Really looking forward to that. I need it too. All three of us need it. Some girl time. Sometime to push aside the worries of school, work, love, and life. Sometime to just be us and buy ourselves something (because we're awesome and we deserve it). That's what I keep reminding myself is ahead of me. That's what's getting me through this week. 

Before I go, let me leave you with my favorite quite of the day. My College Algebra professor said this today in class. "That's why you go to college, kids. To learn that zero doesn't equal thirty-six." On a side note, it is slightly humorous that he called us kids, because he's only like two/three/four years older than me.

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