Thursday, February 6, 2014


Jingbang (n.) \ˈjiŋ¦baŋ\:\
 A slang word meaning a company of a crowd.
 Such as in, "The whole Jingbang is here." 

Jingbang is a word that my English major friends and I have recently discovered. Our professor informed us of its existence and we've taken to calling ourselves the English Jingbang (or The Jingbang). It has easily found its way into our vocabulary. Of all the words we are exposed to daily, none have found a place in our everyday talk as easily as jingbang has. At least, none have found their ways so easily in all of our vocabularies. 

Why is this? 

How is it that such a silly word could be adopted so quickly by us while words like esoteric and abderian are known but not used, not adopted?  (In case you don't know, esoteric means, "something that is understood -or known by -a small number of people." Abderian means, "foolish or prone to incessant laughter.") 

Perhaps it is because the word jingbang is so silly that we became fond of it so quickly. It sounds hippy,'s obvious that it's slang. It's a fun word to say. A unique word. A word that -somehow -relates to our personalities. Somehow the word is both fun and scholarly. It's not the most attractive word, but it's a beautiful one.

If you're not in love with the English language, or language in general, (Or if you don't have some sort of wonder and respect for it) you may think me crazy. But, I find Jingbang to be a beautiful word and it's words like it that constantly leave me in awe. Leave me wondering about the mystery of how such words were created. 

I love words; from all languages. So, when I find a new one I tend to look into it. It's definition and origin are the first things I want to know about new words. Naturally, when I heard of Jingbang, I did some research. Sadly, I found no known origin. By the way it sounds, I can only guess at what its origin is.

Such a simple word with a veiled past. I welcome it into my vocabulary.

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