Monday, August 11, 2014

A Fork in the Road

Hello world. It's been too long since I've updated this blog. I'm not going to lie and say it was because I didn't have time. I'm not even going to give you the poor excuse of being uninspired. The truth is, I've had plenty of ideas of things to put on here, but I've pushed it off because I've found myself laying in the gutter.

My life has been nothing short of stressful lately. My thoughts have been plagued by the future and how the path before me is lacking illumination. I don't know what's going to happen, and I keep having dreams that I'm going to screw it up. With my anxiety and stress levels high, it's hard to keep a positive outlook on life. I must brag a bit though, I have managed to keep my cool. My temper is not something I've lost due to this stress. Of that, I'm proud.

I have to say though, it's been tough. There's been a lot of changes taking place in my family this summer and a lot more lurking around the corner. Dealing with change has never been easy on me. It's always been...difficult, to say the least.

In these stressful times, I've often found myself craving another life. I've actually put down a few books I started reading because I wished I was really going on those adventures instead of laying in bed waiting for the future to hit me.

Two weeks left until school starts...and I don't even know if I want to go back. Sure, my friends are there. My job is there (though I do have another one here, at home). My degree is only a year away. But tuition is high. The stress is high. My doubts are high.

I haven't even started packing yet because every time I think of doing so I get nauseous. What are you supposed to do when you no longer feel like you belong somewhere but you know that if you don't go back you'll never get your degree? And you really want that degree.

I made a promise to myself years ago that I wouldn't be like some other people I know. That I would go to college, no mater how long it took, get my degree and do my best to change the world. I wouldn't settle. Settling for okay wasn't (Read isn't) my thing. But, right now -in this very moment -I want nothing more than to stay in this small town, get a full time position at my summer job, get an apartment, and continue to lead the children's Wednesday/Sunday morning programs at my church.

Why continue? That's what I've been asking myself.

Why go back and try to get the degree I've always wanted when I'm pretty sure my old nemesis Math is most likely going to prevent me from reaching it? Why put myself through an endless cycle of class, work, study when the result might not be the positive one I want? Why take that step when there's an illuminated path sitting right here? There's open doors here that could take me exactly to a life that I wouldn't' mind living.

Problem is, taking that path would be settling. And I don't settle. To quote Catwoman, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself," if I settled. I'd always wonder if I could have passed those two worthless math classes. If that degree could have made a difference. What it would feel like to walk across the stage to get that all so important piece of paper. It'd make me feel weak. Like I was a coward. But at least I'd have my own place, and I wouldn't lose the connections I've made over this summer, and maybe people would stop comparing me to a certain someone. Maybe they'd stop forgetting my name if I was a permanent figure. I could make a life here. I could make it work...but, ultimately, would I be happy?

Probably not.

So what choice am I going to make? Am I going to step onto the dark path or the well lit one? As crazy as it may sound, I'm still leaning towards that dark wonderful and in reach the bright one is. One step. One choice.

You know, someone smart once said that the first step was always the hardest. They were speaking nothing but the truth. As I stare at the two roads in front of me, I'm left to ponder Frost's question. Do I take the well worn one or the one less traveled by? Like Frost -knowing myself as well as I do -I have a feeling that I'm going to take the road less traveled. The road that I'm not sure is safe. The road that scares the living daylights out of me.

If anyone is reading this, anyone at all, I just want to ask for one thing. Could you pray for me? I could really use some guidance right now. And some courage. And a little more self-assurance.

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