Saturday, August 16, 2014

300 Things that make me Smile

1. When there is a full moon.

2. When someone does my hair.

3. Mozzarella sticks.

4. Lemonade

5. Buying new clothes.

6. Jeans that fit perfectly.

7. Going though old pictures.

8.Rereading old journal entries and realizing how strong I am.

9. Starbucks with my best friend.

10. Listening to music on road trips. 

11. ihop Pancakes. 

12. Doing nothing. 

13. Being organized. 

14. Spending  time with my friends. 

15. Spending lots of time with my friends. 

16. Staying up all night on the computer.

17. When my hand gets warm from holding coffee.

18. Wearing a dress with converse.

19. Laughing uncontrollably until my stomach hurts. 

20. Mac n' cheese.

21. Over sized hoodies.

22. When a song describes my situation perfectly. 

23. Spending the day watching chick flicks. 

24. Getting butterflies on the first day of class. 

25. Going tubing. 

26. Boys who drive trucks.

27. The smell of fresh cut grass. 

28. Getting a package.

29. Getting a letter. 

30. Stocking up on Bath and Body works products. 

31. Carrying hand sanitizer everywhere I go.

32. When a little kid reaches to hold my hand.

33. Lunch at subway. 

34. Disney songs.

35. Having a bunch of books to read.

36. When a song brings up a good memory.

37. The stars.

38. Meowing at a cat and it meows back. 

39. Having a conversation with my pet bird.

40. Baking a cake.

41. Men with nice muscles.

42. Mini cupcakes.

43. Handwritten letters.

44. Feeling confident. 

45. Relaxing outside.

46. Dancing around my bedroom when no one is watching.

47. Cuddling with a pet. 

48. Loose sweatpants. 

49. Glimmering water.

50. Starbucks during the fall.

51. Feeling free.

52. Laughing until I cry.

53. A new pair of shoes.

54. Fresh, warm, cookies.

55. Christmas desserts. 

56. Rereading old texts.

57. Singing in the car.

58. Snow in my hair.

59. Shopping for books.

60. Having conversations with the random people I meet at stores and on walks.

61. Keeping a journal. 

62. Extra buttery popcorn.

63. Watching the rain.

64. City lights.

65. Receiving a flower. 

66. Having a good time with friends. 

67. Going to concerts. 

68. Wearing a cute dress. 

69. Waking up and realizing I have more time to sleep. 

70. Halloween jewelry. 

71. Sunny, windy days. 

72. Hot chocolate.

73. Carrot Cake.

74. Apple pie.

75. Apple butter. 

76. Cinnamon candles.

77. Making s'mores. 

78. Black cats.

79. Breaking out an extra blanket. 

80. Pumpkin pie. 

81. The harvest moon. 

82. Autumn sunsets.

83. Sitting on a tailgate.

84. Country music stations.

85. Being surrounded by nature.

86. Thunderstorms.

87. Hot cinnamon rolls with chili.

88. A warm summer breeze. 

89. Classic rock music. 

90. Being different.

91. Sunny mornings. 

92. Rainbows after a storm.

93. Finding a lady bug. 

94. The smell of coffee. 

95. Black veil Brides.

96. The sound of rain. 

97. Camping. 

98. Noticing the beauty of life.

99. Aquariums. 

100. Chasing my dreams.

101. Sleeping while it rains. 

102. Finding a new song I like and listing to it on repeat.

103. reading while it's raining. 

104. Shopping for new summer clothes.

105. When the Christmas tree is the only light in the room.

106. The smell of food in the oven. 

107. Listening to music. 

108. Open roads.

109. The changing of the leaves.

110. The quietness of the country. 

111. Sitting in the back of a pick up truck. 

112. Clear skies. 

113. Sunny skies.

114. Pitch black nights. 

115. Lightning bugs.

116. Porch swings.

117. Fresh air.

118. Boot-cut jeans.

119. Cornfields.

120. Mason jars.

121. Canning season.

122. Shucking corn. 

123. Bonfires. 

124. Nascar. 

125. Dirt roads.

126. Morning dew.

127.Crickets at night. 

128. Small towns.  

129. Country morals.

130. Hay rides.

131. The last day of school.

132. Perfect hair styles.

133. Sharpies. 

134. Walking into an air conditioned room on a hot day. 

135. Getting a funnel cake at the fair.

136. Eating oreos. 

137. Laundry right out of the dryer.

138. When a cat purrs. 

139. Wearing fuzzy socks.

140. Fresh fruit. 

141. Cotton candy.

142. Finding money I forgot I had.

143. Curly fries.

144. Amusement parks. 

145. The coziness at Christmas time. 

146. Being able to sleep in. 

147. Having the house all to myself for a day. 

148. Heart-to-heart conversations with my closest friends. 

149. Being on a dock. 

150. Tire swings. 

151. Chocolate covered pretzels. 

152. Spending time with mom. 

153. Watching dad play video games.

154. Soft pretzels.

155. Strawberry flavored cupcakes. 

156. Syrup pancakes. 

157. French braids.

158. Colorful sunsets. 

159. Water balloon fights. 

160. Girl scout cookies.

161. Tight hugs. 

162. Lazy days.

163. Doing crazy things with friends.

164. Having a nice day.

165. Coloring with sidewalk chalk.

166. Sleepovers.

167. Loose shirts.

168. Sleeping on freshly washed sheets.

169. Eating donuts. 

170. Eating gushers. 

171. The smell of cologne. 

172. Photography.

173. Writing.

174. Fruit smoothies. 

175. Hawaiian Pizzas. 

176. Naps.

177.Thinking back on my childhood. 

178. Snow cones.

179. Messy buns.

180. Dandelions.

181. Girls night out. 

182. The smell of flowers. 

183. Drinking pina-colada Fuze. 

184. The smell of coconut.

185. Popsicles.

186. Eating junk food. 

187. Thinking back to how far I have come in a year. 

188. When people compliment my outfit. 

189. Men with blue or brown eyes. 

190. Finishing a good book.

191. The smell of a new book.

192. Sitting down on warm pavement. 

193. Adding new songs to my ipod. 

194. When guys are taller than me. 

195. Spending time with family.

196. Getting notifications.

197. Breakfast for dinner. 

198. Ice cream for dinner. 

199. A clean room.

200. Getting lost in a book.

201. Having a mini worship service alone. 

202. Being told I'm good at what I love to do. 

203. Feeling infinite.

204. A child's laughter. 

205. The first drop of a roller coaster ride.  

206. The cold side of a pillow. 

207. A scent that brings back good memories. 

208. Seeing how in love my parents are with each other.

209. Seeing an old couple holding hands. 

210. Rereading my favorite book.

211. Jumping off a swing.

212. Watching my family.

213. Game nights with my siblings. 

214. Chocolate covered popcorn. 

215. mom's no-bake cookies. 

216. When dad turns a movie into a valuable lesson. 

217. My parents' silly arguments.

218. Seeing that look of pride in my dad's eyes.

219. Being able to tell mom everything. 

220. Walks around my hometown with my grandma. 

221. Going through the family ancestry and finding a long dead relative that looks like a living one.

222. Finding out my passion was genetic. 

223. Seeing my parents in my grandparents. 

224. When dad worries about me. 

225. Mom's little reminders on living a good life. 

226. The way dad smiles when he looks at mom. 

227. The way mom smiles when she looks at dad. 

228. Sister nights.

229. Giving life advice to someone younger. 

230. Receiving life advice from someone older. 

231. The smell of lilacs. 

232. The horrible taste of fresh picked rhubarb. 

233.Homemade kool-aid Popsicles and slushies. 

234. Watermelon seed spitting contests. 

235. Wearing a jacket with shorts. 

236. Swimming in a lake.

237. My brother's passion for our family. 

238. My little sister's boldness.

239. The brilliance of a bird's feathers.

240. Playing fetch with dogs. 

241. Hair products that work.

242. Vanilla wafers.

243. Sour cherry candies. 

244. Moist dirt. 

245. Late night talks.

246. That shy feeling I get around cute guys.

247. Having conversations with my characters.

248. Listening to my parents tell stores about their younger years.

249. Disney movie marathons.

250. Long walks. 

251. Cold drinks. 

252. Watching movies with friends.

253. Falling asleep to music. 

254. Getting into the zone when writing. 

255. The sound of a fan. 

256. A bird's song. 

257. Taking care of an animal. 

258. Falling asleep with a pet curled up by me.

259. Loosing track of time because of getting lost in a game or book. 

260. New Notebooks.

261. Starting a new journal. 

262. Bubble baths. 

263. Singing in the shower. 

264. Hot showers. 

265. Comfy pajamas.

266. Texts from my friends. 

267. Having a dreamless sleep.

268. Being so tiered that I fall asleep as soon as I lay down. 

269. Dreams so good that I don't want to leave them.

270. Christmas shopping. 

271. Mom's home cooked food. 

272. Watching soap operas and talk shows with Grandma. 

273. Waking up completely refreshed. 

274. Watching my uncles interact. 

275. Realizing my siblings and I are a lot like our parents and their siblings. 

276. Family reunions. 

277. My dad wishing he could fix everything. 

278. My mom's old morals.

279. Warm fires during winter.

280. Burnt hot dogs.

281. The smell of fire. 

282. The sound of fireworks. 

283. Meeting new people in the bookstore. 

284. Seeing someone read a book I love.

285. Reading a letter I wrote to myself years ago. 

286. Swapping gaming tips with my friends.

287. Geeking out. 

288. Finding something Batman themed. 

289. Building a beautiful house on Sims. 

290. Decorating a room. 

291. Going on a bike ride. 

292. Singing while cleaning. 

293. Character sketching. 

294. Seeing one of my characters develop. 

295. Driving down an open road with the windows down. 

296. The smell of alfalfa. 

297. Talks with my good friend Tina. 

298. Being able to tell my best friend everything. 

299. Knowing that I'm not cool and being okay with it.

300. Finding that perfect pair of shoes. 

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