Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Class Murmurs

Class is not a place one might call heaven. In fact, I think many people, if they had to give it a name, would call it the exact opposite. Class is where you go to learn. To sit quietly and stare at white boards or to have in depth intellectual conversations. Class can sometimes be funny and can sometimes be the perfect forty-five minutes you need for a nap. Sometimes it can be worth your time and other times it can feel like it'll never end. Regardless, one of the best things about class is classmates.

I'm a humanist. My area of study falls under humanities and I am obsessed with the human condition and experience. I think one can learn more about life and why people do what they do by watching people and reading literature than by sitting in a classroom, listening to professors drone on about topics I, frankly, sometimes can't care less about.

When I get in those ruts where I would rather be anywhere but in class, I do something that professors would probably not recommend. I tune the professor out. My attention shifts. I won't care about the numbers on the screen in front of me, the formulas, the theories, the dates, the Acts and treaties,..I won't care about any of it, especially if I feel that I already know the concept being explained to me. Yet, I do care about what's taking place around me.

My attention moves from the lesson to my peers and sometimes I catch little bits of conversations that make me smile. I have to admit, though, no mater how cruddy I'm feeling I always pay attention in my literature classes. I credit this to having an interest in and caring about the topics in those classes. Also, literature professors are the best professors. They're quirky, they're weird, they're entertaining, and we love them because of it. They make class interesting, and some of the tid-bits of conversation I'm about to give you actually came from a few of my English professors.

I like to keep a record of some of the more interesting things I hear in class; things that put a smile on my face or illicit a reaction from me. I scribble them down in my notebooks, on napkins, on candy wrappers...on basically anything I can reach and is able ot be written on. Then, the ones I don't accidentally misplace throughout the day get put into my handy dandy notebook (yes I did just quote Steve form Blue's Clues. Don't Judge me!).

The following is a list of some of the quotes I've managed to save through what part of this semester has gone by. Half way through the semester and I don't have nearly as many quotes as I normal do, but hey some of them are golden. I only hope they can brighten your day as much as they did mine on the days that I heard them. After all, sometimes the best medicine is a little smile or laugh.

Statistics Prof: You need to by a calculator. TI-83 or 84. I don't want you doing anything in here by hand.
Guy 1: Did he just say we're only allowed to use calculators? Not do math by hand? 
Guy 2: Yeah.Guy 1: Wow..I may actually pass this class.

Shakespeare Prof: Use that as a bookmark. Books are really good at storing things.

Guy: I just wrote '1' twice.
English Prof: That's alright. You're an English Major. You don't have to be good with numbers.

English Prof: I took the essay off the test.
Class: Awwwww.Prof: English majors know how to bluff their way through essays.
Girl:That's what we were banking on. 
Prof: I know. I was an English major once too. I know how this works.

Guy in Statistics class: Screw this! I'll just drop out and become the Joker.

Shakespeare Prof: Help me with the math. I'm a humanist, not a mathematician.

English Prof: What about Furry? 
Prof: Micheal Furry...the fiancee...
Class: Ooooooh.
Girl: We thought you meant Nick furry and I was wondering where he came into Irish Literature. 

Shakespeare Prof: Indecision is the key to flexibility.

Girl: When you only need ten points it's really hard to motivate yourself into going to chapel. 

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