Monday, April 2, 2012


Hey, I mentioned in an earlier blog that I was working on a poem that was loosly based on Alice in Wonderland. Well, it's nto finished yet (I don't think), but here's an update on how it's going :) This is what I have so far.

Topsey turvie,
Upside down,
My world's spinning faster,
I'm loosing my ground.

This, that,
Up or down,
Arrows pointing every way,
I'm nowhere to be found.

Tables turning,
Hands down,
Voices raised in passion,
We're going around and around.

Taught terrors,
Going down,
Against the old flow,
We're finding our own sound.

Troubled times,
Marching down,
the tiem has come,
This is our current battle ground.

Trails, tribulations,
Coming down,
Whatever comes we'll face,
There is no turning around.

Tales told,
Girl down,
Into the rabit hole,
Into a world underground.

That's it so far. It still needs to be rewritten, and I'm not so sure how I feel about the last stanza. Hopefully I'll ahve another version up soon though.


  1. you spelled time wrong, but as far as i can tell the poem is good and doesn't really need anymore work.

    1. Thanks :)
      I caught that word too. Fixed it though and it's now on DeviantArt.
