Saturday, March 31, 2012

College: Where Crazy Happens

The following is a text message conversation that took place between my roomate and I when we were sleep deprived. We are in no way actul stalkers, or cops, or anythign like that. Just wanted to point out that we were just goofing around while I was waiting to go to work and ended up with this conversation....also, I have her consent to put this on here. I will never post anything on this blog that I don't have the concent of the friends I'm speaking of to.


Me: I see you.

Her: Stalker.

Me: :o How'd you know? My true job's supposed to be kept a secret!

Me: Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Me: You smell funny.

Me: But not really.

Me: Maybe I'm lying and you really do smell funny.

Her: I'm training and you stinky :p

Me: No you are :p

Her: I know that, go spray some perfume on for the chickens ;) They miss you. (Inside joke here, people)

Me: Aw :) I miss them too! One of them proposed to me last night. Will you be my maid of honor? Me and Mr. Chicken are goiing to get married and live happily ever after...and then I'm going to kill him on our wedding night and serve him as food the next day. (Okay, just realized how very morbid and sadistic that sounds...I was not trying to be creepy. Kepp in mind, we're talking about already dead chickens that I have to cut and serve at work...yeah, it's a weird conversation...just bear with it.)

Me: That's gruesome if you think about it. (No lie there)

Her: Wait, so you aren't going to be Mr. and Mrs. Smith? (I have no idea where that came from. When we don't know what to say in conversations we tend to say random things...yeah...subjects change alot)

Me: No, that's Granny Smith's kids...they specilize in pies, not stalking and the murder of my chicken husband.

Her: So hire a hit man.

Me: I did! But then SOMEONE arrested him for contaiminating a crime scene. (My roomate's a Criminal Justice majior)

Her: Wasn't me. I was off duty.

Me: Yeah, 'off duty'. Is that what you're calling it theses days? It must have been your 'clone' then that arrested him.

Her: Or my look alike.

Me: You have one of those? Where can I get one? After all, a certain person figured out my true now I must frame someone.

Her: Try the phone book.

Me: What? How can you get a look a like from there? You can't see their faces!

Her: It's called an ad.

Me: There's ads for that stuf?!?! Who would have thunk!

From that point on or topic changed from playful gooing around to actul discuses about things we needed to do, like homework and work...and all those things that life makes us do. Anyway, I'll repeat this one more time THE ABOVE CONVERSATION WAS PURE FUN CAUSED BY SLEEP DEPRIVATY, AND WE ARE IN NO WAY STALKERS, COPC,  LOOKING FOR HIT MEN, OR PLANNING ON MURDERING CHICKENS. Just thought I'd clarif that. You can never be too careful, expecilly ont he internet, and I don't need people thaking this conversation out of context.

College is full of crazy events, crazy people, crazy food, and jsut down right crazy days/nights. It's fun though, as long as you keep up wiht your studies. Which is something I've managed to do. 

My roomate and I have had one crazy adventure after another...leading to some epic quotes. Just so you don't think we're complete psycos, here are a few of our favorite quotes that eachother have said :) Enjoy!


Her: Hey! He's that one guy, from that one show, that we watched that one night!

Her: *laughing evily and getting a kick out of confusiing me*
Me: Stop being evil!
Her: *still laughing* I can't!
Me: Evil's a choice!
Her: *becomes very serious* No it's not.....
Her: *cracks up laughing*


Friend: What is this? *opens her sandwhich from lunch* It looks like flesh! Flesh That's been grinded up and put on a sandwhich...with sourcraurt. Did I really take a bite of this?


As I said, college is full of crazyness, but it's a blast :) Today, my roomate and I had to get something to drink and some new earphones so we spent the entire day outside. We walked to my bank, walked the opposite direction to K-Mart, hit the store called The Dollar Tree, stopped at Pizza Hut for lunch, stopped at McDonalds to get icecream because we were burning up, and spent an hour or so at an arcade. Let me tell you this....I'm a red head...I don't tan...I burn...and I was outside practiclly all day. I look like a lobster!

Well, actully, my legs and the top of my arms look like they've been fryed, why'll the underside of my arms are so pal they practilly glowed in the sunlight. It was worth it though :)  The arcade was amazing and my roomate and I learned 4 things...

1) $5 gets you an aweful lot of tokens

2) You're never too old for Skii Ball

3) We suck at Dance Dance Revolution when competing agaisnt eachother

4) The plastic fake vampire teeth are just as fun now as they were when we were five.

<---That'smy roomate (left) and me (right), by the way. Just though you might like to see who I'm talking about.

Well, people, that is all I have for you tonight, but I'll leave you with a quote. I found the qoute on DeviantArt one day and it's by a singer I ocasionally listen to.

"Sometimes the hardest thing to wear is your own skin," ~Jayy Von Monroe

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