Wednesday, October 10, 2012

50 Things To Do With M&M's

It's safe to say that we all know what M&M's are. They are those shell-covered chocolates that have been a favorite candy for years. Yet, did you know that you could get creative with M&M's? Being a snack isn't the only thing they're good for.

Last night my roommate and I had a candy fight, which involved those fun size packets of M&M's (and one Snickers, but that's another story)...and then later that night we took a break from studying to play a game of tic-tac-toe, in which the X's and O's were blue and Yellow. This got me thinking. I began to wonder just how many ways I could come up with to entertain myself with M&M's. So, today I grabbed my trusty composition book and set out to compile a list of ways to use M&M's. Now, at the end of the day, I have a list of 50 different ways to use M&M's...and I'm going to share it with you.


1. Have a candy war with them.

2. Play tic-tac-toe with them.

3. Bribe children with them.

4. Snack on them.

5. Divide the colors among a group of people, place a cup on the opposite side of the room as them, and then have them toss the M&M's into the cup...the winner's the one who gets the most M&M's in the cup (If that wasn't obvious).

6. Teach kids to count with them.

7. Use them to teach kids colors.

8.Glue them to a paper and make a picture out of them.

9. Melt them over popcorn.

10. Use them to bet with in card games.

11. Use them as a miniature hockey puck and shoot them across a table with your fingers.

12. Line them up in a trail down a hallway/stairs/sidewalk....etc...

13. Sort them by color.

14. Pick a color before opening a package and only eat that color.

15. Decorate cakes/cupcakes with them.

16. Bake them into a cake.  

17. Bake them into cookies.

18. Use them to help kids understand diversity/equality. For example: The M&M's are different colors but are all still M&M's...such as humans are different races but we're all still humans.

19. See how many you can fit into your mouth.

20. Wet them and use the color dye for writing/drawing.

21. Use them as Secret Santa gifts.

22. Sell them.

23. Have messages put on them.

24. Use them for a proposal.

25. Make trail mix with them.

26. Mix them into Puppy-chow.

27. Poison a dog with them...but not really, because that's animal cruelty.

28. Play marbles with them (works better with the peanut ones).

29. Scrape the "M" off an convince people they're Skittles.

30. Repeatedly toss them at your dorm wall and see how long it takes your neighbors to ask you to stop.    

31. Pass them out for Halloween.

32.  Buy a box/bag of them and make a movie night themed gift for a friend.

33. 'Accidentally' spill bowls of them on a tiled floor...and then leave so someone else has to pick them up (To make this more effective, hide all the brooms and shop vacs first).

34. Instead of using styrofoam (<---spelling issue) to pack a box, use fun sized packets of M&M's.

35. Use them to spell out a message on someone's desk/floor.

36. Completely cover a floor with them.

37. Use them as ice cream toppings.

38. See how many you can throw into the air and catch with your mouth.

39. Teach a kid to swallow pills by swallowing M&M's whole.

40. Fill someone's dresser drawers with them.

41. Stand in a crowded place, with a packet of M&M's, and suddenly trow them into the air while exclaiming, "They're talking to me! They do exist!"

42. Dress up as an M&M, hand out M&M's, and then proceed to fake fainting when people eat the M&M's.

43. Hold them in your hand and see if you can get them to melt.

44. Attempt to balance them on your nose.

45. Give them to people who've had bad days.

46. Tape words of encouragement on packages of them and leave them in random places.

47. Sit behind someone and toss M&M's down their shirt/jacket.

48. Put them in a jar and shake it like an instrument.

49. Name them.

50. See how many you can stack on top of each other (I only got 2).

Well, there you have it readers. My list of things to do with M&M's.

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