Sunday, October 7, 2012

Part of a Story

You may recall me mentioning in an earlier post that I am currently writing a book...well a series of books really. I've decided to post something from the book up here. This is just a rough draft of a scene I plan on having in the third book of the series. Any feedback is welcomed. 

                Inky tresses swirled about their owner’s head, as if they were alive, as she made a violent twist. Her body spun counter-clockwise, her right hand sweeping a jagged edged scythe. Reflections of the fire and broken buildings around her were reflected on the weapon’s silver surface.  Flames danced not only in the streets, but in her cerulean eyes.
  A dark red liquid was creeping down the scythe’s blade, distorting the reflections of death playing across it. As more of the liquid was gathered, it made its way slowly down the reflective surface. The liquid became like crooked fingers as it wrapped itself around the wrist of the young woman holding the scythe.    

                “Axel!” her head whipped around, searching for the person screaming her name. The glowing flames and dark smoke made it hard to see and gunshots drowned out sounds. She could barely hear the person calling for her. The voice wasn’t clear enough for her to tell its gender, let alone who it belonged to.

                The war around her was raging on. A large chunk of metal fell to her right, just missing her by mere inches. It’s weight disturbed the concrete below, causing spider web like cracks to form and throwing small pebbles into the air. A few of the concrete pebbles made contact with the flesh of Axel’s face. She threw up a hand to shield herself but her actions had been too slow. A few small pieces of the debris flying through the air hit her in the eye. She fell, her knees hitting the ground below her hard as she struggled to rid her eye of the foreign objects. Her body’s natural cleansing ability in her eyes kicked in. Water formed in the corners of her eyes as she blinked repeatedly.

                “Dang it!” she cursed. She had dropped her scythe when she fell and was now rubbing at her eyes furiously to clear them.  

                “Axel!” There was her name again, but where was it coming from?

                “What?!” She growled into the smoky air.

                A pair of black boots scrapped the broken concrete. Their movement came to quick stop in front of her.  Axel’s eyes, still having trouble seeing because of the rock in them, traveled from the scuffed up boots to their owner’s black covered legs, to the white shirt and black vest covering their owner’s torso, and finally came to rest on the sharp angled face of Lucifer.  His left hand was held out for her, his right holding a complicated looking sniper rifle. The nearing flames gave his silver-blue eyes a danger glow and cast his long shadow over her.

                “Come on!” the man with the liberty-spikes demanded. His hand snatching hers and pulling her up from the ground.

                Axel barley had enough time to grab her scythe before being dragged around a corner and maneuvered through a crowded ally way. Chunks of debris were everywhere. Pieces of building and cars blocked their path. Forcing them to shimmy between walls and wreckage.

                “Where are we going!” She yelled over the sounds of gun fire.

                “Back to base.”

                “We’re retreating?”

                “Regrouping,” he corrected.


                “It’s all part of the plan.”

                “You know, I don’t think everything you say is part of the plan is part of the plan.”

                Lucifer came to a sudden stop. His body shifted to face the raven-haired girl. His eyes were as cold as steel. “Everything I do is part of the plan. Every order I give is part of the plan. The deaths our team experiences are not. Those are the consequences of war, and it’s because of the consequences that plans change. Hence why we’re regrouping. So, no. This was not part of the original plan, but not much is at this moment. You just have to trust me. You’ve let me lead you this far, you need to let me lead you the rest of the way.”

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