Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Ramblings of a Procrastinating College Student

My thoughts are a mess right now, scattered all over the place, so I apologize if this post makes little to no sense. Today has been one of those, scratch that, one of those weeks where I've gotten lost in the cares of the world. My patience is running thin, my ear-buds are experiencing a slow death from the loud screams of rock angels that I've been blasting through them, and my sketch book is quickly acquiring new drawings of Meep (a character I tend to draw when reaching emotional highs or lows). On top of those, my supply of note cards and snacks is depleting quickly.

In all honesty, I've been making a list of things to blog about this week...and I just threw it away. Not literally  for it is impossible to literally through away a list that never made it from the mental state to the one of being written on paper. Whatever, though. I can't seem to bring myself to care at the moment.

So, what is the purpose of this post? I guess there really is no purpose, except that it gets me a grade for one of my classes. It's just the ramblings of a college junior who's tired of working on a particular evil research paper and using this blog as an excuse to take a break. Yes, the paper's evil. Any argument you have will be considered invalid for, as I have stated, I am not in a mood to care... about logic or anything. I shall I put this? Tired? Exhausted? Ready for the break that's just around the corner? I suppose all three of those work.

Since I mentally tore up my metal list of blog topics, ran it through a shredder, set it on fire, gathered up it's ashes, and then held a funeral for it at sea, allow me to sum up the contents of said list in another list about my week. How's that sound? Why am I even asking you that? It's not like if you said, "That sounds awful," I'd decided not to write the list. If you like it or not, I'm still writing it...aren't I so nice? :)

So, without further ado, here's the events of my week that I was originally going to blog about...and am technically still blogging about by writing them in this post.

1. I made a spork into was epic. He is now chilling beneath the Eiffel tower note-card holder on my desk, soaking up rays from the harsh florescent light of my dorm room.

2. I've felt like Mrs. Who from A Wrinkle in Time this week. If you don't know who she is, she's a character that speaks in quotes made by other people. Why have I felt this way? Because I've been quoting so much stuff lately (In an American Literature class, papers, and conversations) that I feel like I'm her...unable of communicating except through quotes.

3. I've decided that television is my least favorite invention...though I knew this before, I've recently been forced to remember exactly why I dubbed it the invention I most dislike.

4. I've been tempted to hide a building-mate's clothing because their owner was kind enough to pull my bedding out of the dryer only a few minutes into it's drying cycle, and then to put her own clothing in the dryer and keep them drying all night long...making it where I had to sleep on wet bedding. Yeah, thank you for that. Whoever you were. I just loved sleeping under wet blankets all night :D You're really a doll.

5. My roommate and I decided we should be nocturnal because we are unable to sleep at night and tired all day. We also discussed how vampire like we are...concerning sleeping patterns and the drinking of red liquid (Code Red Mountain Dew and juice).

6. I got in a fight with my Ipod and am not sure who won. It kept turning on all night, no matter how many times I shut it off, so it ended up drained of battery and I ended up not being able to listen to it for a day.

7.  I failed a final for a class that I was on the boarder line of failing or passing...but I got a hundred on both of the papers I turned in for it...which ended up helping me pass the class. Seriously, I can't even begin to explain how excited I was when I saw that I had passed that class.

8......well, 8 is simple, I'm writing this list. Haha, but really, I'm currently still writing this blog post just so I don't have to go back to writing my research paper. Procrastinating is useless though, it only gets me less sleep. I suppose I should get back to that paper...but I don't want to...but I should...but I really don't want to...but I need to...but I don't wanna...okay, okay, it has to be done.

Seriously, thanks for taking time for reading this weird blog post...which was obviously written in a stream-of-consciousness way and used way too many, "...."'s.  Have a great night/day and try to be productive.  

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