Friday, March 23, 2012

Down the Rabit Hole

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"
That is very possibly the most well known quote from Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland. It is a riddle that is asked by the interesting character the Mad Hatter at the tea party scene. gathered with the March Hare, the Dormouse, and Alice, he asks the above riddle. As you may know the only answer ever given to the riddle was, "I haven't the slightest idea." 

Why am I speaking of this? I haven't the slightest idea :) Actully, that's a lie, I do know why. I am currenty working on a poem that is inspired by Alice in Wonderland. So far I have two versions of it, I have a general version (which doesn't mention Alice at all) and one that directly refers to the original tale. The rhyme scheme of my poem is a bit odd, but what isn't odd when one is speaking of Wonderland?

For all of you literature lovers out there, the scheme I have so far is this:
(A, begining letters all the same)
(B, two words and ends in down)
(D), ends in 'ound')




...ect...ect...ect...You get the idea. Basicly, it's the same pattern. One line of two words that start with 'T', one line of two words and ends with down, one line of four words with no specific number of words or rhyme, and one line that ends with a words that rhymes with down.

Do you get me? Perhapse, for the sake of you understanding, here are a couple stanzas from what I have written so far:

Tables turning,
Hands down,
Voices raised in passion,
They're going around and round.

Taught terrors,
Going down,
Against the old flow,
They're finding their own sound.

Toubled times,
Marching down,
The time has come,
This is their current battleground.

Like I said, that's only a part of the poem and it's still in it's rough draft stage so don't judge it too harshly. First writes are hardly ever the best. I say hardly because I've had a few things that I've ended up sticking wiht the original because all other drafts were horrid.

Out side of my little poem and thoughts of Alice, I thought I'd let you in on the week I've had. Belvie me, it could have been beter.

This was my first week back at school after Spring Break and I was sick for most of it. It turns out that spending a break around sick siblings can get you sick as well, who would have though. Note my sarcasm.  Both myself and my roomate managed to get the virus they had and had to call into work 3 days in a row. That didn't sit well with me. I swear my roomate would have killed me if we would have been sick any longer because I was problably driving her nuts. You see, I had this problem...I hated kaying in bed doing nothing, but I felt absolutly miserable and didn't have the strength to do anything. It really got on my I spent most of the time annoying my roomate...when I wasn't sleeping because of the medicine I was taking (Seriously, there was one day that I slept all but like four hours. I hadn't known it was possible to sleep that much). Don't feel bad for her though because she did the same right back.

Outside of being sick and worrying about missing work, these last two days have been pretty great. I still have a few of the symptoms of the virus, mainly just a sore throat and my voice ocassionaly disapearing, but I feel great! Honestly, I've been so full of energy since I've gotten better that it's almost frightening. 

Enough about that though, I'd rather not focus on it actully, so let's move on to Spring Break. I had full intention of posting on here through break but I ended up not. So, I'm going to highlight a few things about my break.

1) I got to sit down wiht a friend of my parents and talk to her about hte Great Depression and World War II. It was for a homework assignment for my History class but I absolutly loved it! The stories she told! They were amazing! I felt bad for her though because as she talked about certain memories her eyes would get misty and I just wanted to hug her.

2) I whent on a couple shopping trips with my roomate and my sister. Here's what I bought, in case you wanted to know:
 <----A shell turtle I named Franklin

<------Silver nail polish

<------Sword braclet

<------Jack Sparrow ring

<-----Pirate charm braclet

<------Message in a bottle necklace

<------Sword necklace

<------Feather necklace.
I bought other things too, of course, but I got all the above for ten bucks when it would have been thirty if it wasn't for the sale. Yeah, I rejoiced at that. All you girls out there will know what I mean. It's great when you can get awesome assesories, that actully fit your style, for a decnet price.

Outside of the above, I guess I really don't have too much to say. I was jsut updating for the sake of updating and my writing side took over. Sorry about that. Let me apoligize now for this and any other future entries where I end up writing about random crap that I'm sure none of you will care about. When ever I sit down to write something like this, and don't really ahve a reall goal in mind, I tend to write acourding to the stream of consciousness....meaning I write whatever pops into my head.

To end this post, let me leave you the same why we started, with an Alice in Wonderland quote.

"Those who are mad are the most intresting people."

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