Saturday, March 3, 2012

This is me

Hey eveybody, this is obviously my first post on here and -outside of DeviantArt -I haven't done a blog before. I've debated over what to write for my first blog on here and I've decided a get-to-know-me post would be a good idea. I know there's an 'about me' area on here but I don't really like about me's. I never know how to fill them out and what to put in them. So, this is how we're going to do my 'about me'...even though I have put a bit in the 'about me' area on my page.

First thing you should know about me is that I'm currently a sophmore in college. My current major is English Literature, but that's going to be changing soon. As soon as I can make an apointment to meet with my advisor, I'll be changing my major to English Education/Special Education. 

Second thing you should problably know is that Casper isn't my real name. It's a nickname I was given back in my freshman year of high school. A foreign exchange student from Korea gave me the name after she said I reminded her of Casper the Friendly Ghost. These were the reasons she gave for nicknameing me Casper: 
  1. I was as pale as the dead
  2. I walked silently (still do sometimes) and it use to creep her out when she'd suddently turn around and I was there (that still does creep people out....note: I'm not meaning to creep anyone out. I just happen to be quiet and be in the same place as them)
  3. I was so invisable enough that my observation skills whent unnoticed by me the upper hand in a few situations.
After she nicknamed me that, the name caught on. First our mutural friend Jasmin picked it up and then it slowly made it's way to my other close friends.

Besides my nickname, majior, and grade level, I guess the next thing you need to know is that I love to write. I may be majioring in Education, but what I really want to do is write. I've had publishing companies intrested in a story of mine, but I haven't gotten any of my stories published yet. I'm hoping to have a book I wrote published within the next year. Until then, I post the stories I write on DeviantArt. My username on there is Wrightingangel2010 and you can find me here . I'd love to chat with you all so if you visit my page feel free to browse my gallery, favorites, leave a comment, or send me a note. Also, if you have DeviantArt, let me know and I'll pay yoru page a visit.

Let's see, what else is there to tell you?
Oh yeah! The purpose of this blog!
Don't expect any specific theme from here. The blogs I make will be about whatever is on my mind that day. This is, however, not my journal so I won't be getting as personl on here as one would on the pages of their journals. I have a journal for pouring out my soul in. This is not for that. This will contain the crazy, the hectic, the funny, the cool, and the down right disurbing things I see, hear, and realize about life. I'll also be posting quotes on here.

I draw inspiration from many things and therefore quotes won't be something rare oin my blogs. I wouldn't be surprised if I put at least one in each. Infact, I plan on ending this blog with a quote.

Before I go though, just incase any of you were wondering, the title of this blog page came from a Shakspereane play wher Sound and Fury is use to describe something that is made out to be a big thing but in the end means nothing. I chose those three words because there are many things in life that fall under their definition...and most of the time we don't realize until much later in life that they really ment nothing. The Whispers part came from somethign I once heard someone say. Originally it was whimpers (from T.S. Elliot's quote, "The world won't end in a bang, but a whimper") but I changed it to whispers because I once heard someone say that whispered words are the most powerful. 

I think that is about all I need to say for this post, so allow me to leave you with this parting quote from one of my favorite authors:

"Whatever you are physically," he said, "male or female, strong or weak, ill or heathy -all these things mater less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. Whatever the color, the shape, the design of the shade that contains it, the flame inside remains the same. You are that flame." ~Jem, from Cassandra Clare's Clockwork Angel

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