Thursday, April 4, 2013

101 Ways to Procrastinate

1. Clean your room/house.

2. Make origami butterflies.

3. Turn a spork into Batman.

4. Give yourself a make over.

5. Create a list of ways to procrastinate.

6. Read blogs.

7. Check social sites.

8. Read the back of a shampoo bottle.

9. Write a story.

10. Write a poem.

11. Write a weird note and leave it for someone to find.

12. Blow up a friend's phone with text messages.

13. Do laundry.

14. Contemplate the meaning of life.

15. Watch cartoons.

16. Jam out to music.

17. Go driving.

18. Go for a walk.

19. Have a game night.

20. Go shopping.

21. Play video games.

22. Play Facebook games.

23. See how many words you can think of that start with 'M'.

24. Watch videos on YouTube.

25. Use a ball of yarn to turn your room into a human sized spider web.

26. Play catch.

27. Play Frisbee.

28. Have a Nerf war.

29. Have a lightsaber battle.

30. Draw.

31. Play tic-tac-toe.

32. Play hangman.

33. Play pick up sticks with pens.

34. Trace your hand and turn it into something.

35. Draw mustaches on people in magazines.

36. Watch a movie.

37. Stare at your pile of work and think about how you should be working on it.

38. Count ceiling tiles.

39. Play an instrument.

40. Count the bricks of a wall.

41. Journal.

42. Go to a coffee shop and stare at people.

43. Have a race.

44. Go on a scavenger hunt.

45. Cut out stick figures and leave them in random places.

46. Read Fanfiction.

47. Create a list of 'laundry room etiquette' .

48. Dance down the hall/street singing at the top of your lungs.

49. Read a book.

50. Take apart and clean a vacuum.

51. Alphabetize your movie collection.

52. Organize your books.

53. Make your bed until there are no creases.

54. Organize your music collection.

55. Go see a play.

56. Play Jenga with pens.

57. Lay in the grass and stare at the clouds.

58. Close your eyes and listen to the silence.

59. See ow many markers you can connect together.

60. Put a packet of cherry kool-aid behind the shower faucet.

61. Write a bunch of encouraging notes and leave them in random places for people to find.

62. Place fake bugs,rodents,reptiles in random places.

63. Organize your crayons and color pencils by shade.

64. Create a character.

65.  Make a story about that character.

66. Make a comic about the character.

67. Play volley ball.

68. Play soccer.

69. Play basketball.

70. Play baseball.

71. Play softball.

72. Play tennis.

73. Blow bubbles.

74. Play with silly putty.

75. Solve a Rubix Cube.

76. Blow up a balloon and see how long you can keep it in the air by hitting it.

77. Scatter furniture, sofa cushions, pillows...etc...and make it across the room without touching the floor (The floor's lava, after all).

78. Sit out cups and see how many ping pong balls you can shoot in them (to make this more challenging, give specific tasks to do, like bounce the ball of the fridge and into the cup.)

79. Draw on the side walk with  chalk.

80. Go for a run.

81. Go bird watching.

82. Sit somewhere. Just sit there. Don't do anything. Just. Sit. There.

83. Take a nap.

84. Take a shower.

85. Draw on yourself.

86. Draw on a friend.

87. Give all your friends code names.

88. Get crafty.

89. Use tape to outline someone's body on the floor.

90. Hide in a bush and talk to people as they walk by.

91. Wander around somewhere and when someone talks to you say, "You can see me?"

92. Run into a store and ask someone what year it is...when they tell you, yell, "It worked!" and run away.

93. Make a bucket list.

94. Re-write a popular song.

95. Go to the park.

96. Fly a kite.

97. Organize your game collection.

98. Break out an old board game.

99. Dance off anyone?

100. Sort your closet and dresser drawers by color.

101. Read this list on how to procrastinate.

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