Thursday, April 18, 2013

Snippets of Smiles

In life you come across all sorts of people. You come across the ditsy, the clever, the bright-color lovers, the dark-color lovers, the music lovers, the literature lovers, the jerks, the ones who think they're cool but aren't, the nerds...and so on, and so on. The list off all the different types of people that you come across can go on and on. It's a never ending list, really, because every single person is different. We all come from different backgrounds, different regions, and different lifestyles. No one person is like another because none of us go through the exact same things. We're all unique and its our uniqueness, our us-ness, that makes life so entertaining.

Over the last two semesters, I've filled my note books with the random, clever, funny, and thought provoking things that my friends have said. One of them is always saying something and, as a writer, I take note of the brilliant way they say things. It started as a personal project, really. One of my Professors suggested that our Creative Writing class keep lists of things people say, and the things we see, that we think would be good lines or images for stories. I don't know if any of my classmates took that challenge seriously, but I decided to give it a go. I've gathered quite the collection and, today, I would like to share a few of them with you.

I've mentioned a few times now that life is busy around here, where I am, and I'm sure some (if not all) of you reading this are feeling the same way. So, I want to give you a chance to smile. Here's just a chunk of the things that my classmates say that have brought smiles to mine and others' faces. I hope they do the same for you.    

Guy:* walks into class where he's the only boy and every girl goes silent* What's going on in here?
Girl: We're plotting your demise.
Guy: That actually makes me feel pretty comfortable. I'm use to that.

Girl 1: It was flurrying this morning!
Professor: It's just a reminder from God that you're the salt of the earth.
Girl 2: It didn't please me. There was snow on my the spring!

Girl 1: *notices friend wearing a lace shirt* It's so pretty!
Girl 2: I know, right? You can even rub your face on it if you want!

Professor: * teaching about the place of curse words in the English language*
Student 1:* Starts listing off examples of curse words.*
Professor: No, no, no. This is an English class. You're English students. If we're going to curse, we should at least curse with class.

Student: *speaking about a professor* It's like sink or swim with her...except she ties something around your ankles so you fall right to the bottom.

Guy: *addresses class that's all girls, beside himself* Do any of you know how to tie a tie?
Girls: Yeah.
Girl 1: Do you know how to tie a tie?
Guy: No. I feel like it should be required that for ministry majors to graduate we should all have to pass a class on tie tying.

Professor: Why are there still so many of you in this class? They told me that at least half of you would drop...but there's still twenty of you. Not that I don't like you...I just don't want to grade your papers.

Guy: *having a Christian-Pickup-lines contest with a friend* Is that your resurrection body? Because it's flawless.
Girl: Do you need prayer? Because I'd love to lay my hands on you.

Professor: Put your hands on your neck like this *puts hand on neck*. Now saw Z-Z-Z. You feel that vibration? Now say s-s-s...don't do this in public. People will think you're crazy.

Guy: Fifty Shades of Grey is a bad influence on women.
Girl 1:What's Fifty Shades of Grey?
Guy: You haven't read it? How about you, have you read it?
Girl 2: No, but my roommate has and she told me what it's about.
Guy: You're not going to read it, are you?
Girl 2: Not my type of literature.
Guy: Good.
Girl 1: What's it about.
Guy: It's torture porn. And the lead female character falls in love with the guy torturing her. I don't see that as a good influence. As a guy, I wouldn't want my girlfriend to be like that chick. She allows someone to hurt her for love. Seriously, have some self-respect! Listen up you two, You should never let a guy hurt you. Even if you love him and hurting you gives him pleasure. If he really loves you he won't hurt you. Understand?

Professor: Think about this for a moment...God loves you so much that He would rather die than live without you.

Professor: Even the darkest corners of space aren't completely dark.

So, there you have it. A few quotes to hopefully brighten up your day. Like I said, I have more, but I don't want to make a freakishly long blog with all of them it it. Also, the Fifty Shades of Grey quote wasn't to offend anyone. If you like the book, good for you, but that was exactly what one of my guy friends said about it to me and another chick when we were working with him.

Have a blessed day, lovely souls!

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